On match day 1, my boat partner and I decided to head up the lake away from the armada at the cages and dam areas in search of some quiet water. There was only a handful of boats that had thought the same. We were both pulling/twiddling black-coloured lures through the depths.
After a couple of hours with no fish to the boat, albeit several had been on and off, I took the plunge and loaded up the floater with a team of small dries. There were fish rising, but only sporadically and usually out of casting distance. My cast tied up with Soft Plus 6.6lb, consisted of Tony’s Flat Back Hopper on the bob, pearl butt Fiery Brown Bits in the middle, and a black cul on the point.
Each of these flies were well spaced out, approx. 5ft part. All my flies were small between sizes 14 and 16. By lunchtime, I had my first fish in the boat on the Flat Back. I find in the competition scene the first fish is always the hardest, and now after a later start, I could settle and try to make a bag in the remaining hours of the afternoon.
We continued to fish the shorelines around the bays waiting for the fish to look up and picking up a few risers here and there. It certainly wasn’t frantic fishing for us but I was happy to finish the day with seven all on dries. If only I had had a few pulling in the morning, I may have had a more credible bag. With fishing up the other end of the lake, we were unaware of how the likes of the cages and dam fished. It was not until weigh-in and speaking with the teammates when we found out that there were a few good bags caught twiddling basher lines.